

DMFolders is a suite of modules which enables administrators to standardize and centralize the folder creation process across all eDOCS libraries. With DMFolders, folder structures can be quickly created and automatically replicated organization-wide, providing law firms with a matter-centric approach (and other organizations as well) to information management processes. DMFolders enables information to be logically and easily indexed, stored and retrieved, regardless of source of origin (e.g. images, documents, faxes or e-mails).

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Key Features

• DMFolders Maintenance: Design and maintain folder structures and user workspaces, based upon an unlimited set of criteria.

• DMFolders Autobuilder: Pre-populate folder structures based upon the metadata associated with document profiles.

• DMFolders Workspace: Prune workspaces based upon closed matters or days of inactivity.

• DMFolders Migration: Migrate existing DOCSOpen and DOCSFusion (PowerDOCS) projects to eDOCS folders (also available standalone).

• DMFolders Subscription: A unique user interface for accessing and manipulating workspaces (including proxy users), public and private folders, and the contents of any of these items.

Technical Specifications

Fully compatible with all eDOCS version forwards and backwards

Other Admin addons